July 2023

What a busy year it’s been…

4 Feature films scored + countless shorts, TV Pilots, and Podcasts. #BLESSED ha

I just wrapped on a new feature, THE POST - a social media thriller directed by Justin Hunt. Can’t wait for you guys to experience the twists and turns on this one!

Congrats to COP VS KILLER for premiering & Director / Actor Matt Page for winning the BEST ACTOR Award at the 2023 Santa Fe Film Festival!
I’m crossing my fingers that there’s a sequel because I had too much synth-fun scoring this beast of a movie.

Alejandro Montoya Marin is another guy I’ve wanted to work with forever, and finally we did on his supernatural skatepunk short DEMO - which finally premiered at the 2023 Las Cruces Film Festival.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed my collection on Modular Synths has exploded - really fun & experimental “noise machines” as my kid calls them.

It’s been helping inject some outside-of-the-box chaos on my film scores, and has now bled over into my MEMORYY music output. You can hear the glitchy bleeps & Bloops on my newest single “WALKING ON EGGSHELLS

It takes forever for my projects to see the light of day, and I couldn’t be happier to announce that DISTRESS SIGNALS - the very first feature film I scored - is finally out now on demand. Check it out!

Last but not least, I guess I should hint what I’m working on these days - scoring a few original podcasts for Audivita Studios. I love the podcast format - it really forces you to use your ears & all those musical nuances can help shape a story in bigger & broader ways.

That’s all for now!

shaun hettinger